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Matrix, describing the available datasets and main data sources and type (Deliverable D4.2)

This deliverable contains detailed information on the aspects analysed in the following matrix for each dataset. These aspects come from the Task 4.2 description, as well as from the developments in Task 3.1 and own criteria with the common work and approach for WP4 and WP5. In this tab, the titles of the aspects analysed are included in the rows 2 and 3, in the same order as in the matrix in the...

Publication Date: 29 Sep 2023

Author: C. Rodríguez Alonso, V. González, I. Maia

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Description of a workflow on data transformation and implementation as part of the BuiltHub Road map and business case (Deliverable D4.4)

This project deliverable outlines the methods and tools that can be used by partners to use machine learning to develop features that can be used as estimates for assessing energy efficiency strategies, as part of the BuiltHub roadmap. It includes a mixture of theoretical background regarding building stock analysis and practical research applications. Final deliverable still to be reviewed by the European Commission.

Publication Date: 15 Sep 2023

Author: M. Mangold, C. Sandels, P. Wu, T. Johansson

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BuiltHub Data Collection Statement

The following data protection statement explains which data is collected on our websites and which data we process and use and how, and who to contact in case of questions or concerns.

Final deliverable still to be reviewed by the European Commission.

Publication Date: 01 Sep 2023

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Methodology on quality assurance (Deliverable 3.2)

This deliverable (D3.2) - Methodology on quality assurance – entails information related to the metadata collection and to the quality control processes applied, aiming to increase thenreliability of the provided datasets. This process should be a sign and indicator for high quality and high transparency of the datasets collected and included in the BuiltHub platform. This high data reliability will...

Publication Date: 31 Jul 2023

Author: A. Zambito, S. Pezzutto, U. Oberegger

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Final Stakeholder engagement report (Deliverable 2.3)

This project deliverable focuses on describing the efforts and outcomes of stakeholder events, surveys, and other engagement actions carried out as part of Task 2.3. The goal of this deliverable is to provide a comprehensive account of the stakeholder engagement process and the valuable insights gathered from stakeholders. Final deliverable still to be reviewed by the European Commission.

Publication Date: 05 Jul 2023

Author: J. Kockat

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