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Empowering data platforms - guidelines to enhance the capacity of policymakers & stakeholders (Deliverable 7.8)

This project deliverable provides a set of guidelines for local, national, and EU-level policy makers on how BuiltHub project outputs can be best applied and exploited, with reference to the possible benefits, as well as to any challenges, and useful approaches for addressing said challenges.  This deliverable is still to be reviewed by the European Commission.

Publication Date: 30 Apr 2024

Author: A. Jäger, M. Lampkowski

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BuiltHub Final Event Programme: Looking to the Future with BuiltHub

This event programme is for the BuiltHub final event, titled, 'Looking to the Future with BuiltHub', to be held 14 May 2024. For further information, see event listing.

Publication Date: 12 Apr 2024

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Platform services development (Deliverable 3.4)

The intention of this deliverable is twofold - first, to clarify the basic development idea behind the creation of the BuiltHub platform,  describing the main features that will characterize the platform itself; and second, to create the basis for Task 3 (Focus group). Final deliverable still to be reviewed by the European Commission.

Publication Date: 02 Apr 2024

Author: A. Zambito, S. Pezzutto, D. Lucas Reche, U. Oberegger

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Roadmap towards dynamic and automated building data collection (Deliverable 6.6)

This report presents a roadmap for sustained data flow characterising the EU building stock, from data collection to exploitation, with the purpose to continuously inform and improve building-related policies and business through a community and its data hub.

This is a draft deliverable and has still to be reviewed by the European Commission.

Publication Date: 27 Mar 2024

Author: U. Oberegger

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Machine learning models for the prediction of polychlorinated biphenyls and asbestos materials in buildings

This article, featured in the December 2023 edition of the journal, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, focuses on a cost-efficient data-driven approach to evaluating comprehensive hazardous materials in existing buildings. Access an abstract of the article here.

Publication Date: 11 Dec 2023

Author: P. Wu, T. Johansson, M. Mangold, C. Sandels, K. Mjornell

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Machine learning models for the prediction of polychlorinated biphenyls and asbestos materials in buildings