The BuiltHub Platform

The overall aim of the BuiltHub project is to define a roadmap and vision for a durable (FAIR - Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) ​dataflow and collection enabling to characterise the EU building stock​. The project aims to do so by developing a robust and resilient web-based IT Infrastructure (platform) that allows for collecting and extracting building performance and characteristics related data. BuiltHub will support transforming the data into information and knowledge by offering dedicated uses and services for platform users and beneficiaries, such as policy makers (EU, national and local authorities)​.

Dive right in and discover the Platform for yourself, by signing up or watching a 5 minute demo video:

The BuiltHub Platform is accessible from 9:00 to 17:00 UTC+1 (Brussels time).
Please note that outside of these hours, the BuiltHub Platform is offline.
If you have a data emergency and would like to request special access, please contact:
Read our Data Collection Statement here.

The platform has been conceived as a test environment allowing for collecting and extracting building performance and characteristics related data. It supports transforming the data into useful information by offering dedicated uses and services for platform users and beneficiaries, such as policy makers (EU, national and local authorities). In the development, we looked to answer:

  • How to collect data easily, reliably, and responsibly?
  • Which data and metadata are most needed and meaningful for effective building stock transformation?
  • What processes will the collected and processed data support?

Drawing on and feeding back into existing data sets and repositories, the platform supports the establishment of a European data hub and community to enable BuiltHub partners to make a concise assessment of Europe's building stockand its progress towardsdecarbonisation. The assessments and approaches developed within the project inform the BuiltHub roadmap towards a sustainable and responsible EU building stock data flow, storage, and processing, and supports closing the current gap in data.

The platform consists of these main features:

Data characteristics

The BuiltHub Platform is a repository for various types of building and energy-related data. Datasheets can be uploaded manually, using Odata or with the web URL. The Platform already includes the following:

    Building stock related datasets, including:
    • HotMaps project
    • TABULA project
    • De-risking Energy Efficiency Platform
    • ... and more!
    Socio-economic datasets, including:
    • EU statistics on income and living conditionsHousehold budget survey
    • ... and more!
    Climatic datasets, including:
    • EDGAR CO2 Emissions
    • PVGIS
    • ... and more!

    Filtering and sorting data

    Stakeholders are able to export, filter and visualise open building energy performance data. Data can be sorted and displayed according to: Energy carrier,  Climatic region, Consumption type, Sector type, Building type, Municipal, district or national level, NUTS level, and Time period. BuiltHub Platform users can directly evaluate this data against key performance indicators, scenario building and market and investment parameters.

    Use of the Platform helps to identify the renovation and retrofitting potential of our buildings and define tailor-made energy measures, and develop suitable business models, policies and finance strategies to implement them.

    Through various dashboards and graphs, you can view:

    • Energy poverty graphs
    • Building renovation and construction graphs
    • Building and energy consumption tables
    • Interactive visualisation of geoinformation