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BuiltHub Workshop #2: "Supporting building stock transformation and a circular economy"

On 25 May, BuiltHub hosted its second of six workshops. Entitled "Supporting building stock transformation and a circular economy."

The session kicked off with a brief update on BuiltHub news by project Coordinator Ulrich Filippi (Senior Researcher Institute for Renewable Energy, EURAC Research). Ulrich provided an update of the BuiltHub data platform and the latest data collected. The first part featured experts Mikael Mangold, Tim Johansson and Pei-Yu Wu from the Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE), who introduced their latest work on "Machine learning methods to predict building data". And was followed by a presentation on "Construction & demolition waste data analysis to support a circular economy", by Gianluca Grazieschi and Simon Pezzutto from Eurac Research, Institute for Renewable Energy.

Stay tuned here for more BuiltHub events:

Publication Date: 25 May 2022