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Stakeholder needs and technical requirements for BuiltHub (Deliverable 2.2)

Stakeholder needs and technical requirements for BuiltHub: A synthesis from EU policy, survey, and interviews

Publication Date: 01 Mar 2022

Author: S. Zuhaib (BPIE), J. Kockat (BPIE), I. Jankovic (BPIE)

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BuiltHub Stakeholder Engagement Flyer

This flyer visually outlines the stakeholders involved in the BuiltHub project, including who they, where they are active, and their building data-related needs.

Final deliverable still to be reviewed by the European Commission.

Publication Date: 31 Mar 2023

Author: E. Doran, L. Schubert, M. Lampkowski

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BuiltHub Community and Platform Flyer

This flyer outlines the primary points of interest relating to the BuiltHub Community and Platform, specifically: What is the intention of the BuiltHub project? Who does the BuiltHub Community represent? What is the BuiltHub Platform? And, how can anyone interested get involved?

Final deliverable still to be reviewed by the European Commission.

Publication Date: 31 Mar 2023

Author: E. Doran, L. Schubert, M. Lampkowski

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Discover the BuiltHub Platform!

This flyer provides a general overview of the BuiltHub Platform, including information about the key Platforms components, the Stakeholders that it aims to reach, as well as how you can try the Platform out for yourself. Final deliverable still to be reviewed by the European Commission.

Publication Date: 31 Mar 2023

Author: E. Doran, M. Lampkowski

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Assessment of Building Materials in the European Residential Building Stock: An Analysis at EU27 Level

This study provides a detailed analysis of the materials available in the EU27 residential building sector. It elaborates on the data provided by the H2020 European projects Hotmaps and AmBIENCe, from which it quantifies a number of materials, including those used for floors, roofs, etc. in a variety of building types, in each EU27 country. The methods and data provided support BuiltHub’s mission of...

Publication Date: 14 Apr 2023

Author: C. Zandonella Callegher, G. Grazieschi, E. Wilczynski, U. Oberegger, S. Pezzutto

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