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Stakeholder Mapping (Deliverable 2.1)

This project deliverable aims to present the results of the stakeholder mapping by explaining who stakeholders are, and what the level of their interest in and potential influence on BuiltHub is, with the intention of informing the stakeholder engagement strategy and the roadmap. Final deliverable still to be reviewed by the European Commission.

Publication Date: 28 May 2023

Author: J. Kockat, I. Jankovic

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Stakeholder needs and technical requirements for BuiltHub (Deliverable 2.2)

Stakeholder needs and technical requirements for BuiltHub: A synthesis from EU policy, survey, and interviews

Publication Date: 01 Mar 2022

Author: S. Zuhaib (BPIE), J. Kockat (BPIE), I. Jankovic (BPIE)

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Inventory structure and main feature and datasets (Deliverable 3.1)

Final deliverable still to be reviewed by the European Commission.

Publication Date: 01 Feb 2022

Author: Andrea Zambito (EURAC), Simon Pezzutto (EURAC), Ulrich Filippi Oberegger (EURAC), Roberto Lollini (EURAC), Ivan Jankovic (BPIE)

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