
Matrix, describing the available datasets and main data sources and type (Deliverable D4.2)

This deliverable contains detailed information on the aspects analysed in the following matrix for each dataset. These aspects come from the Task 4.2 description, as well as from the developments in Task 3.1 and own criteria with the common work and approach for WP4 and WP5. In this tab, the titles of the aspects analysed are included in the rows 2 and 3, in the same order as in the matrix in the following tab. Below these rows, for each aspect the specific items considered for the datasets classification can be found, as well as some further needed explanations in the following cell, including schemes in some cases to make it more understandable. 

Final deliverable still to be reviewed by the European Commission.

Publication Date: 30 Sep 2023

Author: C. Rodríguez Alonso, V. González, I. Maia