
Webinar Recap: Unveiling the EU Building Stock Observatory and BuiltHub Insights

7 May 2024

Webinar Recap: Unveiling the EU Building Stock Observatory and BuiltHub Insights

On May 7, 2024, the webinar “Better Data for Better Policy Making: Unveiling the New Building Stock Observatory and Delving into BuiltHub Insights” was held online, focusing on improving building data to support EU energy efficiency policies.

The webinar introduced the new Building Stock Observatory (BSO) and detailed its enhanced interface and expanded dataset, establishing it as the EU's primary platform for building stock data and supporting the EPBD recast. Presentations highlighted BSO’s features, its synergies with BuiltHub, and future building data improvements, underscoring their roles in shaping data-driven building policy across the EU.

The agenda included presentations on high-tech building models and integrated socioeconomic data collection in Dortmund by Shaojuan Xu (Institut für Landes- und Stadtentwicklungsforschung), insights into navigating the BSO from Andreas Hermelink (Guidehouse), and contributions from BuiltHub by Ulrich Filippi Oberegger (EURAC) and Judit Kockat (BPIE). Ulrike Nuscheler (CINEA) set the scene, and Marcelo Lampkowski (ICLEI) moderated a lively Q&A session.

The webinar emphasised how the BSO and BuiltHub together promote a data-driven approach to building stock analysis and policymaking.

For those who missed the session, the slides and recording are available here.

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