
New BuiltHub website goes live!

5 April 2021

New BuiltHub website goes live!

There is a marked lack of data available on Europe's building stock, which hinders governments at all levels from being able to put forth optimal policies and renovation schemes to support decarbonisation of buildings.

The BuiltHub project has now launched its new website as a first step towards developing and facilitating responsible and streamlined data collection and management processes for effective and affordable decarbonisation of buildings.

BuiltHub will also develop a so-called 'BuiltHub platform' and data community. The platform, currently under development, will serve as an open source, online hub that integrates and brings together existing data repositories, such as the European Building Stock Observatory (BSO), while also allowing policy makers, organisations and individuals to extract or feed in their own relevant data.

Together with its sister project MATRYCS, BIGG, BEYOND, BuiltHub aims to convene an active building data community via the platform. Together, this community will generate a detailed sustainability assessment of the current status of European building stock, from which realistic transformation scenarios for affordable, rapid and effective decarbonisation of existing buildings will be outlined. In this way, BuiltHub will not only contribute to responsible and useful building data flows in the EU, but also enhance the capacity of local, national, and EU policymakers to design targeted strategies and incentivising frameworks that enable progress towards these scenarios.

The BuiltHub project will engage in intensive stakeholder engagement activities during the design phase of the platform. Stakeholders from policy makers to real estate developers or building managers interested to learn more about the project and platform, or who would like to actively have a say in the design and set-up of the platform, can contact

For more information, visit

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