10th European Urban Resilience Forum
18 - 20 Oct 23
Cascais, Portugal-
The 10th anniversary of the European Urban Resilience Forum will take place on 18-20 October in Cascais, Portugal.
All those seeking to shape a climate-resilient future for our cities and regions are cordially invited to attend the 10th anniversary edition of the European Urban Resilience Forum (EURESFO) in Cascais, Portugal on 18-20 October 2023.
Since 2013, the European Urban Resilience Forum (EURESFO) has been a unique exchange platform for city representatives, experts and stakeholders from local and regional institutions to discuss strategies, initiatives and actions for adapting to climate change, managing disasters and building urban resilience. The event is a European initiative driven by ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability and the European Environment Agency (EEA), and will now be co-organised with the City of Cascais for the 2023 edition. Previous partners, such as the Resilient Cities Network and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction are back to support the programme development as well.
Last year, the Forum welcomed the largest audience to-date, bringing together 70+ speakers and 300+ participants from across Europe and abroad to take stock and address challenges that cities are facing and outline opportunities for action. Watch all the best moments of the Forum in the EURESFO 2022 recap video or read the full report for an in-depth review.
For 2023, EURESFO, with its “PowerPoint free” promise, will keep its informative, open and interactive character, but will have some special surprises in store to celebrate its 10th anniversary alongside its participants. One of them is the addition of a Resilience Investment Forum organized by the Making Cities Resilient 2030 initiative, which will take place on the last day.
Registration is open! Registration is entirely free of charge; however, this is a limited capacity event, so participants are encouraged to register early to secure their spots. Register at:
Stay tuned on our website and follow our Twitter account @Urb_Resilience for all the latest updates and programme announcements for #EURESFO23!
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