
Building a sustainable and meaningful data flow of the EU building stock

29 Sep 21, 17:00 - 18:30

Rome, Italy-

Building a sustainable and meaningful data flow of the EU building stock

This 90-minute virtual workshop entitled “Building a sustainable and meaningful data flow of the EU Building stock” will spotlight the potential, status and possible pitfalls of large-scale and systematic building data collection in Europe for promoting a cost- and energy-effective transformation of the EU’s building stock. The session will discuss with experts and buildings stakeholders the “what, how and why” of embracing big data for a rapid transition by considering:

What role can/should big data and data sharing play in the affordable building stock transformation within the EU frameworks?
How do you enable sharing, aggregating and use of building data and make it accessible?
Why should data be shared and what value or impact big data can sharing generate for data owners?

The session will draw on the EU project BuiltHub(umbrella project for H2020 MATRYCS, BIGG and BEYOND projects) to provide practical and tangible insights on building data sharing, aggregation, analysis and access and how they can serve as a transmission piece between building and renovation policy and practical implementation on the local and building levels.


In a first introductory part, the session will provide a thematic snapshot of the topic by introducing the European building data landscape. This will be followed by a short introduction of how the BuiltHub Coordination and Support Action fits into this context. A panel discussion on different aspects of the big data argument and practice will follow, guided by provocative questions and contributions from the audience to evaluate barriers and opportunities and define a vision of the way forward for data supporting climate neutrality in the building sector together with participants. The audience will be invited to actively intervene and steer discussions from the virtual “floor” through polls, live interventions and questions

Expected results and outcomes:

Through the session, participants will have a deeper understanding of the key challenges and opportunities of data to create a “live” picture of the European building stock and will be able to relate it to important policy frameworks such as the Fit for 55 Package. The potential solutions and vision of future collecting, processing, sharing and analysing of building stock data will also become clearer. The session will present interested parties with engagement opportunities and collaboration spaces such as the newly formed Big Data Alliance. A closing survey will offer participants the chance to indicate their satisfaction with the session and results presented.

The lack of qualitative building data limits assessments of the EU building stock status and drivers, making building data collection and valorisation vital for designing more targeted, evidence-based measures and energy policies. Renovating the existing building stock, boosting building energy efficiency and transforming Europe’s construction sector is a challenge in Europe’s sustainability and quality of life. Mastering this challenge is tied to accessible and applicable data for policy and decision-making, implementation of local action and impact analysis. The EPBD revision, EU Renovation Wave, New European Bauhaus Initiative, Intelligent Cities Challenge and EU Energy Data Spaces are key initiatives in this space needing access to clear, shared informative datasets to be successful.

BuiltHub, along with its H2020 sister projects MATRYCS, BIGG and BEYOND, are innovating to tackle this challenge from building to EU level. The session will draw on the examples and expertise of BuiltHub, joined by its sister projects in the audience, to identify major barriers and potential solutions and to increase collaboration key stakeholders in the EU building data space.

Registration available here!


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